More Resources#

Git Cheat Sheet#

Need a quick refresher on the commands to use Git? Check out this cheat sheet:

RCD GitLab#

If you want to collaborate on research or educational projects with other Clemson users, you can take advantege of the RCD GitLab service.

To get started, see the RCD GitLab Documentation:

GitHub Accounts#

If you want to collaborate on GitHub, you can create an account. This is a great place to store a portfolio of projects!


Help, something went wrong!#

Git can be incredibly frustrating sometimes, even for people who use it frequently. One of my favorite websites for Git problems is “Dangit, Git!”

They have a list of common problems with some solutions you can try.

Other Git Providers#

GitHub is widely used but is not the only place you can find hosted Git repositories. Below are a few other popular services.

General Resources#