Multi-node Parallelism and Dask#
Concepts of Multi-node Jobs and Distributed Computing#
Multi-node parallelism: When a single job uses multiple nodes, it allows distributed computing across nodes to solve larger problems. This requires breaking down tasks and distributing them efficiently across nodes.
Advantages of distributed computing: Utilizing multiple nodes allows scaling workloads beyond the limits of a single machine. Examples:
Parallelizing large dataframes and arrays
Machine learning on large datasets (Training models on data that won’t fit into memory), leveraging libraries like Dask-ML
Distributed hyperparameter tuning
ETL and data pipelines
Interactive data analysis
Efficient distribution of tasks: Breaking tasks into smaller units that can be executed independently is crucial for maximizing parallel efficiency.
Minimizing communication overhead: Communication between nodes can slow down processing. Efficient algorithms aim to reduce the amount of inter-node communication.
Handling data dependencies: Dependencies between tasks can limit parallelism. Identifying independent tasks and minimizing dependencies are key to effective multi-node parallelism.
Introduction to Dask#
Dask collections: Dask collections are high-level abstractions that provide distributed versions of familiar data structures.
Delayed: Lazy evaluation that allows you to construct a task graph and execute it only when required. This is useful for breaking down complex computations into smaller, manageable tasks.
Dask Array: Parallelized version of NumPy arrays that can be distributed across multiple nodes.
Dask DataFrame: Parallelized version of Pandas DataFrames that can be distributed across multiple nodes.
Dask Bag: Parallelized version of Python iterators that can be distributed across multiple nodes.
Dask ML: Distributed machine learning library that can scale scikit-learn workflows to large datasets.
import dask
# Delayed: Delay computation until it is needed
def add(x, y):
return x + y
delayed_add = dask.delayed(add)(5, 6)
result = delayed_add.compute() # Trigger computation
Visualizing task graphs: Dask provides visualization tools to understand the task dependencies.
# Visualize a task graph

# Dask Array: Parallel NumPy arrays
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
x = np.random.rand(10000)
y = np.random.rand(10000)
dx = da.from_array(x, chunks=len(x)//4)
dy = da.from_array(y, chunks=len(y)//4)
result = (dx + dy).sum()
# Dask DataFrame: Parallel Pandas DataFrames
import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': np.random.randint(0, 10, size=10000), 'y': np.random.rand(10000)})
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=4)
result = ddf.groupby('x').y.mean()
0 0.511749
1 0.502064
2 0.492546
3 0.510551
4 0.500531
5 0.502013
6 0.497210
7 0.514784
8 0.482721
9 0.493922
Name: y, dtype: float64
# Dask Bag: Parallel Python lists
import dask.bag as db
b = db.from_sequence(range(10000), npartitions=4)
result = x: x**2).filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0).sum()
# Create a more complex task graph for visualization
import random
def random_walk(n):
x = 0
for _ in range(n):
x += random.choice([-1, 1])
return x
b = db.from_sequence(range(1000), npartitions=4)
result =

Running Dask Jobs on Palmetto2#
Using Dask with SLURM: Dask jobs can be executed on Palmetto by leveraging SLURM to allocate nodes and manage resources. Dask can then orchestrate the distributed computation across the allocated nodes. Here’s a simple example of a SLURM script to run a Dask job:
#SBATCH --job-name=dask_job
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --output=dask_output.log
module load anaconda3 # Load Anaconda
# Ensure the conda environment is accessible across nodes
export PATH=$HOME/.conda/envs/hpc_ml/bin:$PATH
# Get the hostnames of the allocated nodes
hostnames=$(scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST)
# Start the Dask scheduler on the first node
first_node=$(echo $hostnames | awk '{print $1}')
ssh $first_node "
module load anaconda3 &&
source activate hpc_ml &&
dask-scheduler --scheduler-file=scheduler.json &
" &
# Start Dask workers on all nodes
for node in $hostnames; do
ssh $node "
module load anaconda3 &&
source activate hpc_ml &&
dask-worker --scheduler-file=scheduler.json --nthreads=1 --nprocs=2 --memory-limit=0 &
" &
# Wait for all processes to complete
Save the above as, e.g., dask_job.slurm
, and submit it using sbatch dask_job.slurm
. Then you can use ssh
to connect to the first node and run your Dask code. Make sure your code points to the scheduler file (scheduler.json
) to connect to the Dask cluster. For example, your code could be a .py file that looks like the following:
from dask.distributed import Client
import dask.array as da
# Connect to the Dask scheduler
client = Client(scheduler_file='scheduler.json')
# Example: Creating a random Dask array and performing a computation
x = da.random.random((10000, 10000), chunks=(1000, 1000))
result = x.mean().compute()
print("Mean of the array:", result)
If you save this as
, you can run it by using ssh
to connect to the first node running your Dask job and then running python