Accessing the Palmetto Cluster#
Remote login (SSH)#
To be able to run commands on Palmetto from your own machine, you will first need to log in. We will login via SSH which will provide us a shell on one of Palmetto’s login nodes.
For Mac OS X, you can open the Terminal Application (which is usually in Applications → Utilities folder) and run the following:
ssh <your Clemson username>
After logging in and completing Duo 2FA you are presented with a welcome message and the following “prompt”:
[username@vm-slurm-p-login01 ~]$
More information about accesing Palmetto via SSH can be found on the RCD Documentation Site
Let’s enter our first command!
Type the command whoami
, then press the Enter key (sometimes marked Return) to send the command to the shell.
The command’s output is the ID of the current user.
$ whoami